It is usually intelligent people who have an independent streak and are very capable of understanding complex concepts. They are smart enough to find a deal and confident about their ability to take the road less traveled. But buying air conditioning equipment online is a mistake.

What's more, the person who installs should be licensed, insured and an authorized dealer for the heating and cooling equipment manufacturer.
Instead of google shopping for AC's or furnaces, the first thing to look for when you are searching for a new heating and cooling system in Los Angeles is a contractor you can trust. Referrals from friends are a good place to start, and then follow up with your own investigation. How long has the contractor been in business?
I am a heating and air conditioning contractor in Los Angeles which is a very competitive market. You don't succeed in a competitive market by ripping people off. Contractors succeed by giving real value to customers year after year. History matters.
I was licensed by the State of California in 1989. Twenty five years of practical experience means an increased skill level. It also means a 25 year relationship with my suppliers; the manufacturers of heating & AC equipment. That relationship is worth something. Buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of furnaces and heaters every year for 25 years means that when there is a problem with a piece of equipment (and problems do happen from time to time) the manufacturer will replace that piece immediately. There is no paperwork to fill out or return shipping charges.
Let's talk price. As an authorized dealer of heating and air conditioning equipment, the prices I pay for furnaces & AC's lower than anyone on the internet. At first glance my quote to you may look higher because I include the wiring, copper lines, fittings, drains, tubing, couplings, curbs, coils, oil traps, thermostats and whatever else might be needed to properly complete the installation of your HVAC system. The delivery to your home and the crane that will take your new packaged unit to your roof is included.
In conclusion, if you are looking for a great price on heating or air conditioning in Los Angeles stay away from online shopping and look for a great contractor.