Saturday, September 26, 2015

Pay Less in Los Angeles for your new Furnace

The biggest energy expense homeowners in Los Angeles face is heating and cooling. Usually if your heater isn't working properly it is one of three issues:
  • heat source: the furnace or heat pump which provides warm air to heat the house
  • heat distribution system: the ducts, vents and return air grills which move the warm air throughout your home
  • control system: the thermostat which regulates the amount of heat distributed
One of the best ways to make sure you are getting the most out of your furnace is to schedule professional maintenance and a safety check at the beginning of the season. This will ensure that your equipment is properly calibrated and cleaned.

Sometimes if your furnace is older and needing expensive repairs a new energy-efficient furnace can pay for itself in energy savings over a relatively short period of time. The city of Los Angeles has incentive programs created to encourage homeowners to swap out their old, inefficient furnaces with new technology that saves money and reduces our carbon footprints at the same time.

Getting your rebate is as easy as filling out an online SoCal Gas Residential Rebate form. There is also special energy-upgrade financing for Los Angeles home owners called California First click to see if you are eligible!