Saturday, March 31, 2012

Heating Savings

Cash-strapped consumers can save hundreds (and possibly thousands) of dollars a year by cutting everyday expenses in ways that might seem obvious in retrospect.
  • Home Heating and Electric Utilities
Problem: The cost of electricity for the average U.S. residence has risen by nearly 47% over 20 years, while prices for heating oil and propane rose even more dramatically. People are often unaware that many electronic devices still draw power even when they're turned off, diverting precious dollars from family budgets.

Solution: Stay Afloat: When Energy Costs are on the rise we recommend that consumers become aware of how much energy various appliances use, and to fully turn them off when they're not in use. Other tips include taking shorter showers, cooking more food at once, and paying utility bills with credit cards that provide cash back and other rewards.
  • Buying or Repairing HVAC Equipment and Appliances
Problem: When shopping for refrigerators, microwave ovens, dishwashers, air conditioners or furnaces in Los Angeles many people base their decisions on superficial considerations such as upfront costs and product features. Without thinking about long-term costs - including financing, operating and potential repair costs - consumers can easily spend much more than they anticipated.

Solution: For financing Home Heating we suggest that you forgo repairs on AC and furnaces that are more than 50 percent through their expected lives when repairs will cost over 50 percent of a new appliance's price. The energy savings are that substantial with new units. There are excellent rebate programs active right now.  Furnaces typically come with a 10 year manufacturers warranty.

1 comment:

  1. The post is helpful to reduce ac & heating systems maintenance cost, as i am a specialized dealer for hvac products i too recommend your tips to my clients - Hader Heating Systems
